99+ Top Rated Riddles of All Time
I am the beginning of everything, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place. What am I?
There is something blue flying through the air, something red is falling of the roof, and at the same moment the phone rings... What is it?
There is a green house. Inside the green house there is a White house. Inside the White house there is a red house. Inside the red house there are lots of babies.
What am I?
Sometimes I am loved,
Usually by the young.
Other times I am dreaded,
Mostly by the old ones.
I am hard to remember,
Also hard to forget.
And yet if you do,
You'll make someone upset.
I occur every day
Everyone has to face me.
Even if you don't want it
To happen; embrace me.
What am I?
A man is on the run from the police, after stealing large gold bars. He has 3 gold bars in his arms - each weighing 10kg each. The problem is, as he runs from the police, he must cross a mile long, fragile bridge which can only support 100kg.
The man weighs 80kg.
How could he transport all 3 gold bars?
Little trotty hetty coat in a long petticoat and a red nose the longer she stands the shorter she grows. What is it?
It is in the rock, but not in the stone; It is in the marrow, but not in the bone;
It is in the bolster, but not in the bed; It is not in the living, nor yet in the dead.
Sam walked for thirty minutes in the pouring rain without getting a single hair on his head wet. He didn't have a hat or an umbrella and his coat had no hood.
How did he do that?
At night they come without being fetched,
And by day they are lost without being stolen.
What is it?
I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
What is it?
Runs over fields and woods all day
Under the bed at night sits not alone,
With long tongue hanging out,
A-waiting for a bone."
What am I?
Fill my bucket, spill my bucket,
Over a plane of snow.
Black the track as I look back,
My footsteps talk but make no sound.
What am I?
My first letter is in the spell, but not the book
My second letter is in the fright and also the shook
My third letter is in the cauldron, but never in pot
My fourth letter is in the net and also in the knot
My fifth letter is in the bat, but never in the vampire
My sixth letter is in the coal, but not found in fire
My seventh letter is in moon, but not in night
Who am I?