I have a name, but it isn't my name.
My face shows signs of age.
I always mean the same thing, no matter what I say.
I'm born in mourning, and I last 'til the end of days.
Men plant me, but I never grow.
They run from me, but I never move.
They look at me and see their future, rotting in the fields where I bloom.
What am I?ANSWER
A basket contains 5 apples. Do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket?ANSWER
In a certain country ½ of 5 = 3. If the same proportion holds, what is the value of 1/3 of 10 ?ANSWER
Mr. Smith has 4 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother.
How many children does Mr. Smith have?ANSWER
Mr. Smith has two children. If the older child is a boy, what are the odds that the other child is also a boy?ANSWER
There is a chain nailed to the wall. The chain is 10 feet long and the centre of the chain dips down 5 feet from where each side of the chain is nailed to the wall. How far are the 2 ends of chain from each other?ANSWER
If you toss a coin 10 times and it lands heads up every time, what are the chances it will land heads up if you toss it again?ANSWER
A girl was ten on her last birthday, and will be twelve on her next birthday. How is this possible?ANSWER
A ladder hangs over the side of a ship anchored in port. The bottom rung of the ladder touches the water. The distance between rungs is 30cm, and the length of the ladder is 270cm.
If the tide is rising at a rate of 15cm per hour, how long will it be before the water reaches the top rung?ANSWER
Why can’t a man living in California be legally buried in New York (even if it’s left as an instruction in his will)?ANSWER
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